Friday, November 18, 2022

A Poem a Day, Week 46, Nov 12 to 18, 2022

 A Poem a Day, Week 46, Nov 12 to 18, 2022

Welcome to Sifting the Rubble's weekly blog and podcast of my poem-a-day challenge for 2022. I am your host, and poet, Emily Gibson. The poems for the 46th week of the year, Nov 12 to 18, came from experiences of the week and prompts from Move Me Poetry on twitter. 

I want to explain, for those new to this podcast, that these are 1 or 2 day poems, which have not gone through the grist of revision. That comes later, something I truly look forward to, as I sift the collection for poems I want to finalize. For now, they are new, not quite steady on their feet, but each speaks of something, so I share them, uncensored. It is part of my healing challenge to write a poem every day this year.

As always, you can keep track of Sifting the Rubble's posts on the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram platforms:

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Please like and follow and share in whichever ways suit you. Thank you! :)

And now, for this week's poems!

Listen to Week 46 Poetry Podcast

Poem #316, While Graupel Fell on a Winter Horse 

by Emily Gibson, Nov 12, 2022

A first “tink-tink” of graupel

on a rusted pipe

fence caught my ear.

My curiosity rose  

as sound echoed into

my gloved hand.

My horse munched hay,

oblivious in his warm coat.

Ice fell, crystal white, 

cradled on the tips 

of his dark brown

but not quite black fur, 

like stars from another 

planet’s constellations

that winked into view,

released by dusk.

About "While Graupel Fell on a Winter Horse ": These words were inspired by an experience with my horse this week. When the tiny bits of round ice started dropping, I wanted to know what they were called, because they were not snowflakes or hail. Writing this poem, I learned they are called graupel.

Poem #317, In the Season of Slumber

by Emily Gibson, Nov 13, 2022

Out my window, 

a snowblind winter bird


in quick chirps

amid jumps

from one sun warmed

twig to another.

Is anything as lovely?

A surprise that startled

me out of my 

shut-in day

and my ruminations

on ends, as I

am led to do 

in November

after the second snow.

The bird chirps

cheer, one more time,

and leaves.

A reminder that we

are not alone

and should always


Like your letter

that arrived

the same afternoon.

About "In the Season of Slumber": This poem was born with a single "chirp" outside my window one cold snowy day this week. I like where that chirp led me.

Poem #318, We’re All Fill-in-the-Blank Puzzles

by Emily Gibson, Nov 14, 2022

Last Wednesday, I glanced up,

attention snagged by a glint of color,

misplaced in the day of layered gray.

I perplexed on reason.  Not a day

for reflections in any way,

no rain or prisms in sight.

Clouds tipped with rainbows

teased me, a bit here, a bit there,

mere hints of a circle’s potential.

In my eyes, a clue of space 

fit fragments into an arc, 

an aurora around our star.

Like the playful way you fit my bits

and pieces into a gorgeous, grand

connect the dots puzzle, new to me.

About "We’re All Fill-in-the-Blank Puzzles": When I looked up and caught sight of the fragments of rainbow, I knew I had to write about it, but wasn't sure what form the poem would take. I didn't want it to be mere description, wanted it to lead to greater meaning. This is a poem I definitely will revise later, to pull more out of it.

Poem #319, Fate Goes Both Ways  

by Emily Gibson, Nov 15, 2022

Out of the fog,

was not a log!

Appeared to float

on road remote.

Sleek sides of brown,

moved like a clown.


A collision

avoided by

angels on high.

So long, fair deer,

shoo, disappear.

About "Fate Goes Both Ways": I wrote this poem in answer to a prompt to write in a Welsh poetic form, “Cywydd deuair fyrion” that uses rhyming couplets of 4 syllables. It creates a rhythm and energy that can't help bring humor, yet the topic I chose is a bit harrowing and near horror. I attempted to tell the story of this true event, without being overly descriptive, leaving room for readers' imaginations.

Poem #320, May Light Illuminate Your Way

by Emily Gibson, Nov 16, 2022

A Shape Poem





                                                               brings you

                                                            what is needed

                                                         be it hope or help

                                                        healing or feeling

                                                           and may you

                                                               be open.



                                       wish this for you today, tomorrow,

                                       and the days that follow.  You are

                                       deserving and worth it.  You have

                                      even earned it.  Be kind to yourself,

                                      as you are kind to others.   It is all

                                      we can do.  Light the flame of your

                                      purpose.  Then take a tiny step in

                                      your direction.  Even a thought is

                                      a step!  Be patient.  Be patient. Be

                                      ever patient.  A tiny step, another

                                      and soon you look back in awe at

                                      how far you traveled.  You will get

                                     there, to a brighter, better day. Yes.

About "May Light Illuminate the Way": This is a shape poem, which makes the shape of a lit candle with the words and line breaks. It was written in response to a prompt of a candle.

Poem #321, Iced Windshields 

by Emily Gibson, Nov 17, 2022

Chore Metaphor Poem

Head to the day, sigh at the sight:

Ice on your windscreen blocks out light.

Turn engine on, find those warm gloves

Unbury that ice scraper tool.

Shave a trail like a snail,

pave the way for a safe drive day.

We often spin expectations,

rush past obstacles in our mind.

To prepare to BE clears cobwebs,

like ice on our mental windshield.

Plan to scrape off the night’s debris

and reflect on what you hope comes.

About "Iced Windshields": This poem is meant to take a common chore we do and turn it into a metaphor for something deeper. I think this poem needs more work to solidify the metaphor. I can see what I mean, but I'm not sure readers can, yet.

Poem #322, The Day Color Drained from the World

by Emily Gibson, Nov 18, 2022

Ekphrastic Poem for Move Me Poetry battle

Some thought it punishment

for failure to appreciate hues.

Others believed it a signal

from on high:  the end was nigh.

Truth be told, it wasn’t that bold                                            

nor a portent sign from above.

The sun simply rose weary

from storms across its belly                                                

and neglected to flip the switch

for full spectrum visibility.

Tomorrow will be a brighter day.

image taken by @Britton_waif.

About " The Day Color Drained from the World": This ekphrastic poem was written to a Move Me Poetry prompt of a photograph depicting a pure white flower suspended in the dark from a single stem. An image taken by Britton Waif, which I have included in the blog. While the image might lead to a dark poem or a cold poem, I attempted to take it in a more playful direction.

And that concludes Sifting the Rubble's poetry for this week! I hope you enjoyed this collection of poems. Perhaps some of them spoke to you, or maybe you found one begging to be shared with someone else. If so, I hope you will pass it on! Either way, thank you for listening and reading. Hope to see you next week with seven new poems!

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Poem a Day Week 52, Dec 24-30

   Poem a Day, Week 52, Dec 24 to 30, 2022 Welcome to Sifting the Rubble's weekly blog and podcast of my poem-a-day challenge for 2022. ...