Friday, December 16, 2022

A Poem a Day, Week 50, Dec 10 to 16, 2022

  A Poem a Day, Week 50, Dec 10 to 16, 2022

Welcome to Sifting the Rubble's weekly blog and podcast of my poem-a-day challenge for 2022. I am your host, and poet, Emily Gibson. The poems for the 50th week of the year, Dec 10 to 16, came from experiences of the week and prompts from Move Me Poetry on twitter.

We are in the final push of my personal poetry challenge, with just a handful of poems left for the year. I well remember writing that first poem, and putting a courageous "Poem #1" before its title.  To be here is a celebration, not only of poetry, but my healing journey with MS.

I want to explain, for those new to this podcast, that these are 1 or 2 day poems, which have not gone through the grist of revision. That comes later, something I truly look forward to, as I sift the collection for poems I want to finalize. For now, they are new, not quite steady on their feet, but each speaks of something, so I share them, uncensored. It is part of my healing challenge to write a poem every day this year.

As always, you can keep track of Sifting the Rubble's posts on the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram platforms:

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And now, for this week's poems!

Poem #344, A Birthday Poem for a Friend

by Emily Gibson, Dec 10, 2022

Born on the cusp

where Autumn ends

its preparation

and winter begins 

its rest,

you embody 




an undercover prime and set,

an organization for 

next season’s


next year’s opportunity.

You are the snowpack

that waits to swell the rivers

for fish and people 

to thrive.

About "Birthday Poem for a Friend": I missed a friend's recent birthday but wanted to send this poem to the universe for her. She does so much for her people, and encourages me, and everyone, to be their better selves each day.

Poem #345, The Beginning Held Such Promise 

by Emily Gibson, Dec 11, 2022

Brief rains fell sparsely

with soft “puffs” of dust

from the long drought

of awareness, of thought.

Earth wanted more.

Fresh clouds gathered,

sent full rain showers

down to parched fields

where meaning grew.

Earth was content.

Skies colluded to rain

in torrents, in drenches,

turned soil to trenches,

flooded reason’s seeds.

Earth grew violent.

Brutality surrounds us,

within and without. An age 

of havoc, of chaos. No mercy

until our reign shows measure. 

Earth waits.

About "The Beginning Held Such Promise":  This poem came from an image when I woke this morning, an analogy of rain and people. The current snowstorm likely influenced my dream/wake thoughts.  The content is harsh, but the play of words I was able to mix into this poem delighted me, like the use of Rain and Reign.  I am still not satisfied with the title, and will keep working to find the right words.

Poem #346, A Dream’s Analogy, in Two Forms 

by Emily Gibson, Dec 12, 2022

Version #1                                         


red cars 

once a line

still want to feel

fast together, part 

of a long fun line.

Lonely, they look

left behind

like lost


Version #2



left from

a line

wish to still

be a line

want to still feel

fast together

in a line

they look sad


two cars



About "A Dream's Analogy in 2 Forms": Yet another poem reinforcing my decision to keep a notebook on my nightstand, to jot down lines that come to me at night. The words in my notebook are the words in Version #2. I kept playing with the image and ended with two forms. #1 has ascending and descending #s of syllables, and #2 has pairs of ascending and descending syllables except for the last line's word that has 2.  I share them both, like two sides of a coin.

Poem #347, Thought Tops Truth 

by Emily Gibson, Dec 13, 2022

Two snow-blind crows posed

statuesque on a black-sand beach

smoothed flat by frozen flakes.

They squawked and shimmied

amid camouflage confusion.

About "Thought Tops Truth":  A poem inspired by a scene of two crows standing ankle-deep in fresh smooth snow. I laughed at how they stood out, starkly against the white. The phrase, "color blind crows thought they were camouflaged" came to me, and the poem emerged.

Poem #348, First You Notice, Then You Change 

by Emily Gibson, Dec 14, 2022

Cleavage occurs,

self-revealed by mind’s eye rewrites.

Cleavage occurs.

Old identity cracks and blurs,

radiates out from truth’s snakebites

until, as if under house lights,

Cleavage occurs.

About "First You Notice, Then You Change":
I had this image of myself cleaving, like a glacier, revealing my truer hues, and this rondelet form seemed like a good way to explore that. It is a French poetry form, with a repeated 4-syllable line, and the other lines rhyme, with 8-syllables each.

Poem #349, Oh, To See the World Clearly 

by Emily Gibson, Dec 15, 2022

We spent a day at the shore,

sand under foot, salt in the air.

I can’t forget, thanks to drops dried

to crystal crusts on my glasses.

This fine morning’s misted fog

coated plants and animals to damp.

I can’t forget, thanks to the cloud

debris between my eyes and lenses.

My love leans in sweetly for a kiss

as I step forward eagerly for a hug.

I can’t forget, thanks to his nose prints

that smear my vision like mayonnaise.

This afternoon I brushed my horse

who loves a good roll in sandy silt.

I can’t forget, thanks to powdery dust

that dims my prescriptioned sight.

Glasses are safety goggles in a pinch

when mad kids throw pencils in haste.

I can’t forget, thanks to the scratch

etched on my lens instead of my eye! 

About "Oh, To See The World Clearly": From a prompt to write about something that happens all the time, with a tint of humor. I chose cleaning my glasses, which I avoid because it is hard to do without scratching.

Poem #350, Haunted by Our Selves

by Emily Gibson, Dec 16, 2022

We are all ghosts, haunted inside,

Just depends on what we hide.

Some bury bitter sharp shame

Others conceal, terrified of blame.

We cover emptiness in cosmic fabric

An elaborate illusion for the public 

So serious, often our love it blocks

As if we were distant moon rocks.

These meticulous woven facades--

Illusions of shape like arthropods--

Protect us from difficult truths

We learned to avoid as youths:

We are all of us offspring of light

For mortals' eyes, far too bright

Thus, that which shields us our deceit

Keeps others from our molten heat.

This illusion of matter aggregates

to tissues and energy that originates

In every plant’s harvest of the sun.

It’s a shared dream we can’t outrun.

We are all ghosts who haunt

Our Earth home’s storefront

A search to see and be seen

Beyond this shared smokescreen.

About "Haunted by Ourselves": An Ekphrastic poem challenge from Move Me Poetry, with the two images from a real shop that sells little ghost figures. I used rhymed couplets in stanzas of 8 lines.    This poem was selected as a highlight, as shared on Medium. (It is the first one so it's easy to find after the intro) 

And that concludes Sifting the Rubble's poetry for this week! I hope you enjoyed this collection of poems. Perhaps some of them spoke to you, or maybe you found one begging to be shared with someone else. If so, I hope you will pass it on! Either way, thank you for listening and reading. Hope to see you next week with seven new poems.

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Poem a Day Week 52, Dec 24-30

   Poem a Day, Week 52, Dec 24 to 30, 2022 Welcome to Sifting the Rubble's weekly blog and podcast of my poem-a-day challenge for 2022. ...